an informal space for art activism and a way cool lit mag... or something

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


we've got 10 submissions already, everything from essays to photography and we couldn't be more excited! honestly, we weren't even sure we'd get that many, so this is kinda awesome. thanks to everyone who is participating and to everyone else who soon will. if you haven't already submitted, you really should! and the new flyers are finished and up, so look out.

more to come..

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


i found this flyer hanging in the arts and humanities building. pretty wicked.

more designs are in the works so keep a look out, they'll be posted soon!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

information overload

who? [insert names]'s manifesto 

what? an informal literary magazine of sorts taking submissions for the first ever issue. topics are freedom and identity (so basically it pretty unstructured)

where? atlanta

when? submit now until april 10th

why? becuase you'll be apart of a circulating space of art activism and get a cool hand- made booklet (think chapbook or zine-esque)


thanks to everyone whos submitted already, we've really enjoyed reading your submissions. we look forward to reading everyones future contributions!

thanks again!

flyers cont.

gsu library, arts and humanities, classroom south.... just some of the many places where our awesome flyers can be seen.

keep your eyes peeled!

Monday, March 7, 2011